
A date with history

My friends and I had been discussing for ages about travelling somewhere in Europe for a vacation. Naturally, the usual suspects came up, and Spain was one country none of us had been to.

My friends and I had been discussing for ages about travelling somewhere in Europe for a vacation. Naturally, the usual suspects came up, and Spain was one country none of us had been to. So we decided to head there for what was to be the trip of our lives!

We zeroed in on Madrid, Barcelona and Seville and we’re so glad we did. I liked Madrid a great deal; it had an old-world charm, great museums, and it was really fun to walk around and explore. I also loved visiting the Prado Museum in Madrid; it has the best collection of Spanish art and a vast range of European art.

In comparison, Barcelona felt much younger and vibrant. Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia (a Roman Catholic Church) in Barcelona is a place everyone going to Spain should visit. The ancient church was still under construction and was a remarkable sight. We were also lucky to witness a Flamenco dance show while we were there. They put on a tremendous performance, and the audience was extremely enthusiastic. The energy in the hall was felt by all of us.

Also, Seville’s Plaza de Espana was truly stunning!

The amount of scenic beauty in Spain is astounding. The well-preserved old buildings and streets lend a great deal of character to the places. The architecture in Barcelona is magnificent and we were awestruck. Besides that, there were several other places like the open-air museum Poble Espanyol, which houses a unique combination of architecture and both modern, and traditional art, that should be on every tourist’s list.

The food in Spain is absolutely delicious and we had already made a list of dishes we needed to sample. We were able to try a few, and the ones we tried were delectable! Vegetable paella, a flavourful rice with assorted veggies, is an iconic Spanish dish that we just had to have. We also had tortilla espanola, a quiche made with omelette with a potato stuffing; I have to say, it was extremely filling. Any trip to Spain is incomplete without trying churros con chocolate, a heavenly dessert made of fried dough and thick gooey chocolate. They have many vegetarian options for those who don’t eat meat, so we were more than satisfied.

Besides the food and the scenery, the people are also extremely helpful. Even though the language barrier was a tiny hassle on a few occasions, we managed just fine. We stopped quite a few locals to ask for directions and they obliged — which goes to show how helpful they are. Maybe it’s because they get so many tourists every year and are comfortable with them.

It’s an amazing country to visit, especially if you enjoy tasting local food and theatre. The only advice I’d give — be prepared to walk a great deal, because I think that is the best way to really get the feel of this gorgeous country. We also booked inter-city train tickets and museum tickets in advance to save a lot on time. Overall, just enjoy the rich culture, history, and architecture of the place because they make for the best memories!

(As told to Kaavya Pillai)

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