
Law of rhythm

The Law of Rhythm describes how the flow of energy from the Sun reaches the Earth and describes how it reaches its center, is reversed by the collision and returns back to the Sun.

The Law of Rhythm describes how the flow of energy from the Sun reaches the Earth and describes how it reaches its center, is reversed by the collision and returns back to the Sun. To know more about the law and how it works, we must think about the energy in the universe being like a pendulum. A pendulum swings to the right, but it doesn’t stay there does it No. It then swings back to the left. It keeps this rhythm of back and forth, back and forth indefinitely. Everything in existence is involved in a dance... swaying, flowing, swinging back and forth. Everything is either growing or dying.

The Kybalion explains the law as: “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

There are times when things seem out of rhythm because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Your job is to stay focused on your vision and go with the flow instead of resisting it. To get a better understanding of how Our task is to deal with these changes in the season responsibly. It is all in how we respond to these rhythms that make the difference. We can choose to accept them for what they are and ride the tide or we can fight against them. The choice is ours. Just remember if you choose to fight you will bring only more of it into your life. If you ride the tide of change you will soon be facing a new season.

The law of rhythm also governs our economy, health, relationships, and spirituality. Let’s say that you’re at peak potential with your health and fitness. If you realise you’re at the peak, then you can foresee your health and fitness dropping some. However, instead of viewing this “drop in health” as something being wrong with you, you now view it as a sign to rest your body. Then, by law, you have to grow to a better and higher state of potential. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness, the key to success in mastering this law is in balance. Never allow your emotions to swing too far to the left or right.

The law of rhythm can be considered as governing four actions: right or wrong rhythm in feelings, right or wrong rhythm in thinking, right or wrong rhythm in speaking, and right or wrong rhythm in acting. Not only hate but even love that is not maintained by rhythm will fail. Not only an evil thought but even a good thought will prove to be disastrous without regard for rhythm. Not only false but even true speech which has no rhythm will prove to be fatal. Not only wrong action but even right action devoid of rhythm will prove to be out of place. In order to maintain a perfect condition in life one must be the master of rhythm.

The writer is a tarot reader

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