
Video: Funny explanation of the south Indian 'Elai Saapad'

The south Indian style of eating is pure science brought out on the plate

Eating on a banana leaf in south India has intrigued many people with their technique and also the ability to relish their food while doing so. Different dishes are placed on the leaf in a particular manner and the order never changes which makes the whole process really interesting. A video explaining the typical south Indian meal has gone viral while trying to make it easier for people who don’t understand the reason behind it.

According to a recent media report, the video posted by Put Chutney, a Youtube channel explains the different dishes along with their positions on the leaf in the most hilarious way possible. With over a million views, the person in the video keeps a serious face while explaining the dishes in detail in a typical south Indian accent.

However it is an interesting video because it helps educate people about south Indian food in the most hilarious way possible. If you have always been intrigued by south Indians and their eating style then this video is a must watch.

Watch the video here:

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