Why you should eat oats everyday
An oatmeal bowl might just be the best breakfast to go for.

How many times have your parents told you to not skip breakfast? And admit it; you still go to work without eating anything. Turns out, all you need is 10 minutes to have a healthy, tasty one. Doctors and nutritionists have often recommended oatmeal as the ideal breakfast dish. Read on to know its health benefits:
1. Better skin
Oatmeal is known to promote healthy skin, because it is packed with fibres and vitamins. It’s also effective in treating inflammatory conditions, like irritation or eczema. Oatmeal contains zinc, a nutrient that helps in detoxification and rejuvenates skin.
Manganese helps in reducing swelling and helps in healing wounds by renewing skin cells. Oatmeal also has lots of iron, which is good for your blood flow. It works extremely well for your haemoglobin level.
2. Rich in antioxidants
Oats contain antioxidants, which are associated with keeping heart disease at bay. One of them is Avenanthramides, which keeps your blood pressure in check. Beta-glucan in oats helps in lowering blood sugar, and it becomes all the more effective due to the presence of vitamin C.
3. Good source of proteins
According to The Lifehacker, eating about 8 tbsp of oatmeal can give you 15 per cent of the recommended daily amount of protein your body needs. In addition to being rich in vitamin E, oatmeal is full of glutamine which helps your muscle fibres regenerate faster.
4. Decreases cholesterol
Oatmeal contains linoleic acid and soluble fibre, nutrients that help in cleaning fat remains from walls of arteries. They lower the level of bad cholesterol in blood and also decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke.
5. Helps in weight loss
Oats make for a good meal and it’s a good idea to incorporate them in your weight loss regime. They’re extremely filling and can be experimented in a number of ways. It’s low on calories, and helps us in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Because they prevent us from overeating, they help us in cutting down on fatty foods.