
Flavours of the valley

While we still have a few days of winter left to relish seasonal delicacies, here are some easy-to-cook dishes straight from the state of J&K.


Ingredients :

  • 1kg - Haak/collard
  • 3-4 tbsp Mustard oil
  • 1/2 tsp Hing powder
  • 7-8 pods of garlic
  • 3-4 green chillies small
  • 1-2 Kashmiri red chilli
  • 1 tsp saunf powder
  • Salt to taste

Method :

  • In the mustard oil first add hing, then garlic pod, then green chillies, red chillies and a bit of water so that the masala doesn’t burn.
  • Then add Haak, salt, saunf, and water. Enough to completely submerge the Haak.
  • Keeping cooking till the Haak is cooked and there is enough water left to be able to enjoy the flavour of the Haak.

Tsok Muj (Green Apple curry)

Ingredients :

  • 1 tsp Red Chilli powder
  • 1/2 tsp of Hing powder
  • 1tsp Sauf Powder
  • Two green apples, need to be sour
  • One Lotus stem
  • Salt to taste

Method :

  • Fine slice the green apple and lotus stem and pan frie them in mustard oil
  • Once done remove the apple and lotus stem. To the same mustard oil, do a tadka of half teaspoon of hing and one teaspoon of red chilli powder. Soon after, add water to avoid the red chilli powder from burning.
  • Then add two tablespoon of curd and cook untill the oil separates.
  • Add apples, lotus stem and water, enough for them to submerge and so that the juices of apple are released in the water.
  • Add saunf powder and salt to taste and cook till the apple beocme soft.

Shulgum Phirni

Ingredients :

  • Half kg Shulgum (peeled and grated)
  • 2 lt Milk

Method :

  • Mix milk and shulgum and bring it to boil. Keep cooking on low flame till you notice a consistency coming out, indicating that the shulgum cooked and mixed well with the milk.
  • At this point, add sugar as per taste and cook further till is is thick enough and start sticking to the spoon.
  • Cool it and serve with nuts of your choice.

— By chef Jasleen Marwah for Shikara

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