
Ray Honey launched in India with easy snap' technology!

Honey has innumerable uses, and due to its medicinal properties it is widely used in Ayurveda as well as in cooking.

Ray Honey is a 100 per cent pure and organic brand of unprocessed honey which is launched in India with Easy snap technology. This makes the honey available in single sachets which are used with one-hand-sachet-opening technique.

All one had to do is bend/fold the sachet in half and squeeze to let the honey out. These sachets are for one time use. Due to their ease of portability and leak-proof designs, these ray honey sachets are perfect to be carried while travelling.

The honey itself is unique in composition as it is collected from bees that roam free in the tropical jungles that border Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. These wild forests have a rich diversity of flora that allows the bees to collect pollens from various types of flowers and use them to make honey.

The natural honey produced by this process is far superior and healthier as compared to the honey that is produced in most commercial farms.

Ray honey will be available in the market soon in two variants- one box of 10 sachets and one box of 30 sachets, which in itself would be a box of three 10-sachets boxes.

Honey has innumerable uses, and due to its medicinal properties it is widely used in Ayurveda as well as in cooking. Pure honey is an organic source of energy as it is made up of glucose and fructose, two kinds of essential sugars required by our body for functioning properly.

Honey also contains anti-oxidants such as polyphenols, which increase blood flow, prevent blood clots and reduce the oxidative stress in the body. This leads to a strengthened immune system. It is recommended that honey should be consumed to counter flu symptoms like cough and cold. It is also a digestion aid which helps to soothe the stomach.

The most common and popular use of honey is in weight loss management in combination with lemon juice and warm water.

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