
Ugadi feast'ivity

The season calls for celebration. So, what better time than now to indulge in a hearty festive fare?


Black chick peas 2 tea cups
Chopped onion 1 tea cup
Chopped tomato 1 tsp
Ginger paste 1 tsp
Garlic paste 1 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Chilli powder 1 tbsp
Coriander powder 1 tbsp
Cumin powder 1 tbsp
Mustard seeds 1 tsp
Curry leaves 15 nos
Coconut paste 1/2 tsp
Oil 1 tsp
Salt 1 tsp

Soak chick peas overnight and boil until soft. Keep aside. Heat oil in a kadai and temper with mustard seeds, curry leaves. Now, add chopped onions and saute till golden brown. Add ginger and garlic paste and saute for five minutes. Add tomatoes and saute until it is well mashed. Now, add the rest of the ingredients along with boiled black chick peas. Saute for 10 minutes, add 1 cup of water and simmer gravy till a thick consistency is formed. Serve hot and garnish with fried curry leaves.


Ridge gourd (peeled and diced) four tea cups
Tomato (chopped) two tea cups
Garlic 1/2 cup
Ginger one tbsp
Mustard seeds 1 tsp
Curry leaves 15
Julienned onions 1 tsp
Cumin powder 1 tbsp
Coriander powder 1 tbsp
Slit green chillies five
Oil 100 ml
Coconut paste 1-1/2 tea cups
Salt 1-1/2 tsp
Turmeric 1 tsp


Heat oil in a kadai. Add peeled garlic and saute until brown. Now, add mustard and curry leaves, saute well. Add julienne onions, chopped ginger, green chillies and saute for five minutes. Incorporate tomatoes, saute till they are completely mashed. Add rest of the ingredients along with ridge gourd and saute for 10 minutes. Pour one cup of water and simmer till the ridge gourd is cooked. Serve with steamed rice.


Flour three cups
wToor dal one 1/2 cup
Oil 3/4 cup
Ghee two tbsp
Jaggery two cups
Cardamom four
Water (as required)


Mix flour with water and knead it to a smooth dough. Now, add oil gradually to the dough and knead it well. Rest the dough for one hour.
Boil toor dal till it is 80 percent cooked. Post which, drain the water and let it cool.
Now, add jaggery and cardamom to the dal and grind to a smooth paste.
Cut the dough into 50 gm portions. Stuff it with 40 gm dal mixture. Roll it out in the shape of a chapati. Cook on a griddle with ghee till it gets nice golden colour on both sides.

— Recipes courtesy Master Chef George Jayasurya

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