Wine hour basics
Does one really need to use different wine tasting glasses for different wine styles? Experts bust the myth.

Were you ever told to hold a glass a certain way, or suggested a wine along with the specifics of the glass? Myths surrounding wine and its glasses have been around for perhaps centuries. But are they really legitimate?
With more and more people taking to wine as a celebratory drink, quite unaware of the true kinetics of it, circulation of myths is inevitable. Since, presentation plays a huge role in any drink served, wine glasses are a huge focus point for anyone who consumes or serves it.
It is surprising how some of these common myths are so widely considered to be true. We break down a few of them to help you understand the reality as clear as the glass.
Myth: different glass for White and Red wine
Ever wondered why red wine is served in a different kind of glass as compared to the fancy white wine glass?
That’s because a larger glass will lead to volatile components being released easily since more wine surface is exposed. This not only releases aroma, but it also helps the wine to oxidise better. So why not use the same large glass for white and red wine?
Myth: Glass shapes are only for aesthetics
Since presentation plays a huge role in serving a drink, a lot of thought goes into designing a glassware. The main question that arises while preparing or purchasing these glasses is does one need to have a variety of different shapes? The answer to which is surprisingly yes. The shape does make a difference — it changes how one perceives the drink and also affects the taste of the wine. It is a known fact that a better glass can make a wine taste better.
In general, there are a few standard shapes that work with almost everything. Glasses like the AP glass — or the All-Purpose glass — which looks similar to a white wine glass, have been proven to accentuate taste as a result of its shape. As it has a slight curve at the bottom, it is easy to twirl the drink. It traps all the esters and molecules that affect the aroma and prevents them from blowing off.
Myth: stemless wine glasses are the pinnacle of cool
Stemless glasses are not as popular as the other glasses available in the market. For rather obvious reasons, the fine polish of a shiny glass is tampered with fingerprints when used. Its entire presentation is affected and there is nothing elegant about it.
Myth: Wine in stemmed glasses tastes better
Every stemless glass has an equivalent stemmed glass, with exactly the same shaped bowl but without the stem. Although wine tastes the same in both of these, but the advantage of having a stemmed glass — apart from the aesthetics — is that the white wine is less likely to warm up as quickly when it doesn’t have a hot hand holding it.
With such insightful breakdown of myths, assumptions and false notions around the use of wine glasses, you can now enjoy your wine better!
— Team Lucaris Glasses