
India ranks high in deaths from heart attacks

Study reveals 'world's most' heart failure deaths at 23 per cent, while China has just 7 per cent,

A global study has now showed that India leads in deaths from heart failure with 23 percent heart patients not surviving a study, whereas, only 7 percent of Chinese patients succumbed to heart ailments.

The study, conducted by The International Congestive Heart Failure (INTER-CHF) study aimed at measuring mortality across a year in patients who have suffered from heart attacks.

Subjects were from China, India, Egypt, Qatar and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, Malaysia and Philippines in southeast Asia and Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador in South America.

The study, published in the Lancet Global Health journal explored demographic, clinical and socio-economical variables associated with heart-related deaths.

According to the study, Southeast Asian countries showed 15 percent mortality while South America and Middle East had 9 per cent fatalities from heart related disease and China had only 7 per cent mortality.

Another study, conducted by AIIMS and ICMR has suggested that India’s younger population (under 30), is at a greater risk of suffering from heart ailments.

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