Reddit's 'PornFree' community helps men cure porn addiction
The community has successfully helped many people give up watching porn

Porn addiction is quite an issue among many people but it is not medically recognised which makes it difficult for people to deal with it. A community on Reddit is working towards changing the idea of the addiction by helping victims deal with the issue in their forum and many have been successful.
According to a media report, the community called ‘PornFree’ is a community of men who have give up porn for good successfully and are constantly help others get cured of their addiction. Interestingly, there are about 25 percent of all Internet searches are for porn which is quite a lot. The group however works like any other addiction group where they first acknowledge the problem and say it is okay to have the addiction and it is important to deal with it.
While it is one of the only groups, it is not like the ‘NoFap’ group which deals with masturbation addiction. According to a member of the porn addiction group, PornFree is not a group that is really out there and is more of a private group helping people.