Here's why chocolates are good for breakfast
Studies find that consuming chocolate in morning could have benefits for productivity and help in weight loss.

A new study now suggests that having chocolate cake early in the morning could actually be a really good way to start the day.
According to food trend expert Liz Moskow, chocolate could be the best addition to our mornings routines.
Speaking to The Sun, she said that there was a a study that recently came out from Syracuse University re-touting the benefits of dark chocolate, specifically on cognitive function – abstract reasoning, memory, focus.
She went on to add, “The thought was eating chocolate prepares you more for your workday, so what better day part to incorporate dark chocolate into your meal than breakfast?"
But it's not just productivity and alertness a morning chocolate indulgence could help.
Other studies claim that chocolates can help in weight loss by giving the bodies the much-needed hit of sugar while reducing the desire to consume more and more.
Researchers at Tel Aviv University who conducted similar studies would even go as far as to recommend we eat chocolate cake for breakfast.
The reason for this is that our metabolism in more active in the morning.
Moskow adds that by combining the inference from the two studies, once can predict that breakfast might start seeing brunch amuse-bouche chocolate cakes or brunch and breakfast restaurants incorporating a robust dessert menu.