
Delhi man gets yellow spots in eyes caused by sun-gazing for 35 years

He did it as part of a religious practice and complained that his vision was deteriorating for the past few months.

While every religion has different rituals and practices, there are some which may not be recommended when it comes to personal health. India has witnessed cases like a child dying while fasting and superstition coming in the way of effective diagnosis.

A man from New Delhi approached doctors as he developed yellow dots in both of his eyes after looking straight at the sun for 10 minutes every day. The man who did it for 35 years as a religious practice complained that his vision has become blurry for the past few months.

Doctors diagnosed the 62-year-old with solar retinopathy. Doctors said that the condition is usually caused by watching a solar eclipse but the practice of sun gazing can also lead to the disorder.

It was initially thought that the person’s high blood pressure was responsible for the worsening vision. But doctors discovered the real problem when he shared his history of religious practices involving looking at the sun.

Recovery from the problem can take around 12 months depending on the kind of damage that has been caused to the retina.

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