Doctors find sauce sachet piercing in intestine of woman being treated for bowel disease

Although medical science has the answer to several diseases and is coming up with treatment for more, sometimes practitioners can get it wrong too. While cases of seemingly minor issues turning out to be major ailments have been reported, there are also times when something simple is mistaken for a serious illness.
A 41-year-old woman from Britain was being diagnosed for a bowel disease after complaining of excruciating abdominal pain and bloating that lasted up to three days. Doctors perceived her condition to be Chron’s disease for which there is treatment but no cure.
When she didn’t respond to treatment doctors eventually decided to conduct a keyhole surgery as the only option. The procedure led to the discovery of pieces of plastic packaging coming from a sachet of Heinz tomato ketchup piercing the woman’s intestine.
Doctors said this was the first case of plastic packaging ingested by a person mimicking symptom’s of the serious ailment which affects at least 115000 people in the UK alone.