
Woman discovers her kidney infection is actually a baby boy

Katie said she never felt the baby move or even have a baby bump for 9 months.

Finding out about a pregnancy can give way to a lot of different reactions but it can be shocking beyond description when one has been thinking of it as something else the entire time. Of all things, mistaking a baby for an illness seems to be one bizarre error in judgment.

A woman from UK was baffled among other things after she gave birth to a baby boy since she only discovered 24 hours earlier that what she perceived as a kidney infection for several months was actually a full term baby. Katie O’Brein said that she didn’t feel the boy move nor was there a baby bump in nine months.

Katie has been with her boyfriend for four years but they haven’t been trying for a baby. When she visited the doctor after pain below her right hip, she was asked to give a urine sample for what the GP thought of as a kidney infection.

Katie was shocked when she received a call from the receptionist saying that the doctor thought she might be pregnant, and within 24 hours gave birth to a baby boy the couple decided to name Tristan.

Recently a woman who looked heavily pregnant turned out to have the world’s biggest uterine tumour weighing 32 kg.

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