
The reason why pregnant women should stay away from oral sex

While oral sex is an easy option when the baby bump has grown too big, pregnant women are at a higher risk of contracting herpes.

While sex during pregnancy does come with some restrictions and precautions to be kept in mind, it seems things might get more difficult for couples who are expecting. The risk of an infection may put further limitations on what people can do in bed during pregnancy.

An expert has asked couples to steer clear from oral sex when the woman is expecting, as it may have consequences for women and can even prove fatal for the child. While oral sex is an easy option when the baby bump has grown too big, pregnant women are at a higher risk of contracting herpes.

If a mother contracts an infection, the baby also has a 50 percent chance of being born with the same since it is exposed to the infection while passing through the birth canal. Herpes caught at birth can cause blisters on the child’s eyes, mouth or skin.

The baby can be treated if the condition is caught early, but if it spreads to organs like the brain, the infection can be life-threatening. Using a condom also doesn't guarantee that herpes won't be passed, so it's wise to stay away from oral sex.

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