
Find out how sugar is ruining sex life

From erectile dysfunction to weaker orgasms here are ways sugar manages to crush passion.

Studies have proved that sugar does have detrimental effects on a person’s long term-health.

One such effect is in increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes, which in recent years has reached epidemic proportions.

Millions of people may have type 2 diabetes but don't know they have it, health officials warn.

While very few are aware of the devastating effects that type 2 diabetes can have on bodies and lives including blindness, increased risk of heart attack and foot problems, even fewer are aware of the fact that type 2 diabetes can seriously affect sex lives.

A survey carried out by CuraLin Diabetic Supplement on 2,022 Brits found a lack of awareness of some of the more serious consequences of type 2 diabetes – including its effects in the bedroom. Eighty per cent of people questioned did not know that type 2 diabetes could lead to erectile dysfunction.

This happens because high blood sugar causes damage to nerves and blood vessels, decreasing sensitivity and making it more difficult for a man to get an erection. High blood pressure and heart disease, which often accompany diabetes, can also contribute to the problem.

Furthermore, type 2 diabetes may affect women's sexual function too because the damage it causes to blood vessels can affect blood supply to the vagina and clitoris, causing dryness and reduced arousal along with nerve damage.

The research also found that once diagnosed, Type 2 diabetes sufferers aren't doing enough to manage their disease.

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