Emotional immunity also key to recovery

Kadapa: There is a pervasive sense of fear with the raging Coronavirus attacking lakhs of people every day, claiming many lives and leaving the infected scared for life.
Taking note of how people are frightened when they learn that they are corona positive, doctors say fear is dangerous and, in fact, it weakens the immunity system. They say maintaining emotional equanimity and staying strong is as important as medication and treatment. They a sane person can recover faster.
The doctors equally caution those who have tested negative not to let their guard down but continue to take all precautions such as wearing masks, sanitising hands often and maintaining physical distance as a matter of duty.
District Medical and Health Officer K.V.N.S. Anil Kumar told Deccan Chronicle stressed on individual as well as institutional responses to keep the virus at bay. He said the medical and health department led by District Collector Chevuru Harikiran was taking all possible measures to contain the disease across the district. He urged all those who came in contact with the positive cases to undergo corona tests. Even if they do not show any symptoms, it is better to get tested if there is any suspicion.
If a case is reported positive, area health center medical officer, local ANM and Asha activists would contact the person and find out about the health condition. He said such persons would be kept at home in isolation if his health was stable and would be shifted to the nearest Covid care center if his condition did not improve.
There are four Covid hospitals and 12 Covid care centers across the district. In addition, 106 private hospitals have been identified and would be utilised as and when required.
Dr Anil Kumar said that if a person died within 14 days of being diagnosed as Corona positive, it will be identified as Corona death. If death occurs 14 days after the positive result, it will be considered a normal death. He said Covid patients can call ‘104’ or ‘14410’ for any information.