Homeopathy may be able to treat vitiligo, says Bangalore study
New trial study suggests that controversial homeopathic treatments could treat vitiligo.

According to a new study, 14 people had fewer white patches on their skin after taking the alternative remedy that is widely considered to be 'snake oil'.
Around 25 different treatments were dished out including snake venom, a corrosive acid and compound derived from the fluid of blisters from scabies.
Vitiligo made famous by model Winnie Harlow and late entertainer Michael Jackson, affects one in 200 people and is currently incurable.
The research, led by Indian researchers comes after Prince Charles and Boots the chemist were criticised for promoting alternative medicine.
A new book, set to be published next month, accused Charles of being 'immoral' for his backing and moaned at Boots for 'ripping off' customers.
Researchers at the Centre for Classical Homeopathy in Bangalore led the trial of the alternative complementary medicine, taken by 200 million people worldwide.
The vitiligo patients given homeopathy - which works on the basis of 'like cures like' - included 13 women and one man.
The patients were followed up after 58 months, on average, suggesting they could have resorted to other methods to help treat the condition.
Skin camouflage creams, light therapy and medication are available in the UK, but it unsure what provision for the condition exists in India.
The findings, which showed that homeopathy had a positive effect on all 14 patients, were published in the American Journal of Case Reports.
Writing in the journal the researchers said that the best results were achieved in the patients who were treated in the early stages of the disease.'
Some of the homeopathic remedies that were dished out included Psorinum - which is prepared from the fluid of blisters from scabies infested skin.
Homeopathic and herbal remedies have been used for hundreds of year to tackle afflictions such as stress, insomnia and allergies.