Survey reveals one fourth of millennials are stressed out every day
While only 31 per cent revealed that they felt mentally stimulated every day, while 46 per cent felt stressed under three times a week.

A new survey has revealed that one fourth of millennials are stressed out every day on account of pressures of work, study and money.
The generation aged between 16 to 24 has been controversially dubbed the 'snowflakes' and was found to be most stressed in comparison with just nine per cent of over 55-year-olds.
The survey by Mintel revealed that in totality, 15 per cent of adults suffer from daily stress, but 85 per cent are anxious or stressed for some of the time, while three in ten suffering at least three times a week.
For millennials the figure was 64 per cent.
Different people deal with their stress differently, with 44 per cent turning to music and 39 per cent taking walks to clear their heads.
Overall, 32 per cent indulge in comfort eating, but this rises to 39 per cent for women.
The survey also found that only one third of people spent their time relaxing daily.
While only 31 per cent revealed that they felt mentally stimulated every day, while 46 per cent felt stressed under three times a week, or not at all.
Richard Caines, from Mintel, said to the Sun, “Britain’s young are feeling pressure on several fronts.”
Caines suggested that if tech firms help monitor people’s emotions and support mental health with apps it would create greater visibility for mental health.
He also suggested products mindfulness apps, teas, bath and shower products and adult colouring books too.