Yoga under the Moon
5 yoga instructors and 5 rounds of yoga teachings equal one invigorating evening!

Clarity of thought and action will add life to living and that’s the motto of yoga. Meditation helps one to be kind and generous.
It was a unique and first-of-its-kind yoga event in Hyderabad, with yoga sessions being held in the open air, under the moonlight. The event kicked off with a yoga demonstration by kids, followed by several rounds of yoga.
(Round 1)
AcroYoga blends the wisdom of yoga, the dynamic power of acrobatics, and the loving kindness of healing arts.
It cultivates trust, playfulness and community. It brings play back into our lives.
(Round 2) Warm up session
Living up to the theme of Yoga under the Moon, the Chandra Namaskar provides strength training, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, agility, and co-ordination.
(Round 3) Partner Yoga
Experts believe that “the best way to live is when the mind and heart work as one. Today we are living, but there is no life in it, there are only confused minds. Clarity of thought and action will add life to living and that’s the motto of yoga.” Partner yoga can also help us lighten up and invite a sense of playfulness into asana practice.
(Round 4) Meditation
The “monkey minds” are asked to stay calm with a peaceful session of meditation. Meditation helps one to be kind, generous and keep working without any expectations because whatever goes around, comes around.
(Round 5) Savasana
Where participants let go of their problems, surrender themselves to their mats and relax. As expert Sakina Kapadia says, “If you can breathe, you can practice yoga and use it as a preventive medicine for body, mind and soul.” She loves to connect asana practice to real life and incorporates a lot of philosophy into her teachings.