
6 benefits of yoga

Find out what they are.

Yoga has been proven to have various health benefits. It is a holistic fitness package that includes pranayama and meditation. Here are six reasons to get you motivated and start incorporating yoga in your life.

1 Stress buster: Regular yoga helps reduce stress and helps you become more patient as you master aasanas with time.

2 Experience peace: During a hectic schedule, yoga can help you relax. It will also help you gain more clarity and patience. All you need is to find a quiet space.

3 Enjoy enhanced immunity: As you keep practicing yoga it will help build up your immunity by lowering the stress hormones. Soon, you my not have to be bothered with stomach aches or a cold and cough.

4 Gives a boost to creativity: Having to be aware of your breathing and focus on getting the postures right, yoga will help you get disciplined. This will allow you to be freer and get creative.

5 Improves your energy levels: Just a few minutes of yoga can provide the much-needed energy boost you need when you’re exhausted. 10 minutes everyday is all you require to significantly improve your energy levels.

6 Improve your body posture& flexibility: Tone and strengthen your muscles with the help of yoga. This will help you perform day-to-day activities and avoid injuries related to poor body postures.

The information above was provided by amanté, which is South Asia’s largest supplier of niche market intimate wear. It also brings awareness about fitness and strongly supports Yoga.

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