Find out about the 11 ways to fart less

People fart, there is no way to get around that fact. However, there is plenty a person can do to control how much they fart.
Passing wind is essentially the body’s way of getting rid of excess gas produced during the day.and it happens between five and 15 times a day, according to Medical News Today.
One has to understand that not all farts smell, in fact some of them have no odour at all and don't even make a noise when they pass.
However, then there are those that can be quite noisy and have a fairly offensive smell.
Farting is perhaps not the best way to go about when you have company or are in a social or professional setting.
Here are 11 ways to stop farting.
Ban chewing gum: Chewing gum is the go to if you want to keep your breath fresh during the day, but it has an unwanted side effect. While you are chewing away you are continually swallowing air and that makes air build up in your digestive system and makes you fart more.
Eat slow: Inhaling food makes one end up with a stomach ache afterwards, along with excess gas. That's because the faster you eat the more air you swallow. You can't avoid swallowing air all together, but slowing down the pace you eat at can reduce it.
Say no to skinny jeans: Tight fitting clothing may look good, but it's the enemy if you fart a lot. That's because it makes you more uncomfortable if you suffer from bloating.
Know your allergies: If you have a food intolerance or allergy, you might find yourself suffering with gas. Knowing what you are allergic to can help you avoid any unwanted problems. Avoid food that makes you gassy.
No carbs: Carbs are known to increase gas production in the body. Carbohydrates contain fructose, lactose, insoluble fibre and starch, which all ferment in the intestine to cause gas.
No cigarettes: The cigarettes themselves don't cause you to fart, but the air you swallow when you smoke does.
Stay hydrated: Among the many benefits of drinking water, farting less is one reason as well. When you are well hydrated you poo and other waste products pass through your body more freely, so there is less likely to be an uncomfortable build-up of air.
Exercise: Keeping active can also aid your digestive system and cause you to fart less.
Ban beer: Air inhaled while guzzling beer can get trapped in your digestive system and cause you to pop off more often than normal.
Manage constipation: Constipation can actually be caused by excess gas. If waste products remain in your bowel for too long it continues to ferment and creates more farts. Drinking lots of water and increasing your fibre intake can help.
Take a supplement: Probiotics and enzyme supplements are both great for aiding digestion. Some research suggests that enzyme supplements can help breakdown proteins and carbs in the body, helping them pass through your system faster.