Here are 10 tips to help fight off period pain
While period pains are natural bodily process, here's what you can do to ease them.

Recently, a story was published about a woman Beth Evans, who was forced to postpone her dream holiday to Dubai minutes before take-off because an air hostess overheard her complaining of period pains and deemed her unsafe to fly.
While period pains are a natural bodily process, here’s what you can do to ease period pains and the bad moods and spotty skin that can accompany them.
Speaking to The Sun, Jenny Francis lists some of the ways to reduce discomfort during period pains.
Having salmon: Women who eat omega-3s have milder period pain than those who don’t, studies show. Oily fish such as salmon contains these anti-inflammatory fats that can help reduce the swelling that causes pain. Eat fish every week for best effect.
Hot water bottle: Holding hot water bottle on the part of the stomach where you experience period pain can help take the edge off your cramps. Keeping yourself warm and comfortable while at home or at work will help you relax, meaning your muscles will be less tense.
Dark chocolate: It can curb your cravings and feed your body with magnesium – a key mineral that helps alleviate those awful cramps. It can also boost your energy and mood.
Pat a pet: Research shows stroking animals reduces stress and pain, helping you feel more relaxed while also lifting your mood.
Practice yoga: Not only will it help you and your mind chill out, it also stretches the body, encouraging cramping muscles to relax. The extra blood flow can also help improve mood and reduce symptoms of pain.
Ditch tight clothings: When the tummy is inflated and bloated, tight clothing can only make things worse. Wear loose-fitting dresses or jumpsuits to give your tummy some breathing room.
Exercise: Exercise is one of the most effective ways to alleviate tummy cramps and lower back pain, studies show.Raising your heart rate will also serve up a serious helping of mood-boosting endorphins.
Soak up Vitamin D: If you’re able to get outside and soak up some vitamin D, you might also notice your tummy pain reducing. That’s because it encourages your body to use calcium and can reduce inflammation.
Sleep in foetal position:But experts claim sleeping in the foetal position can help to rid of pain and keep more comfy. Lying on one side with legs tucked up next to stomach may take pressure off abdominal muscles, helping one relax, reducing tension and pain.
Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated increases blood flow to the muscles, helping them relax. It also stops skin from drying out, keeping those monthly breakouts under control.