
Bid adieu to 'stress eating' at work!

By mid-afternoon, boredom, or having too much work leads to unplanned snack attacks.

When we ponder about the factors that contribute to our overall performance at work, we do not give much consideration to food.

Life at office can be hectic, with no signs of stopping or slowing down, This leads to an increase in stress levels, development of unhealthy lifestyle habits and irregular eating patters. Most days, our work starts on a healthy note and we have a balanced lunch. But by mid-afternoon, boredom, or having too much work leads to unplanned snack attacks.

Tight deadlines, overlapping meetings and other work commitments make us skip or delay our snack or meal time which is not helpful either.

“Stress eating is a big point of concern amongst office-goers. Stress and anxiety-induced hunger can have long-term consequences for your waistline. Making simple and smart food choices throughout your workday can help boost your creativity and productivity, while reducing fatigue and minimizing stress,” said Dr Rajeshwari Shetty, Head of Dietetics, SL Raheja Hospital.

Stress eating could be avoided if you have certain foods and understand somethings about eating excess in stress. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Don’t skip your breakfast
  • Ban sugary snacks from workplace
  • Stay hydrated, consume plenty of water
  • Stay away from sugar-laden and caffeine-rich drinks
  • Carry home-made nourishing lunch, don’t skip lunch break
  • Assign a ‘lunch buddy’

Here are 13 healthy snack ideas that will keep you satiated before and after lunch; these homemade snack boxes can also be taken into meetings, so you don’t starve yourself till lunch time.

  • Roasted chana
  • Nuts almonds, walnuts and raisins
  • Popcorn
  • Sprout chaat made using moong (mung bean) or matki (mat bean)
  • Boiled corn with some boiled peanuts, seasoned with a salt and pepper
  • Combination of steamed veggies like broccoli, baby corn and zucchini
  • Salads like with veggies and fruits
  • Roasted makhana (lotus seeds)
  • Puffed rice bhel with lots of veggies
  • Fruit smoothie
  • Muthias made with dudhi (bottle Gourd)/ methi (fenugreek)
  • Dhoklas made with kutti ka daro (Buckwheat)
  • Theplas with curd

So, if you do get stressed-out at work and reach for the snack box, these healthy and nutritious snacking options will fuel you up for the rest of the day.

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