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Merkel seeking fourth term, France elections, Aleppo's condition and Sasikala elevation are some of the events to look out for in 2017.

Surely, 2017 is a year most people would look forward to with guarded optimism, particularly in the theatre of world politics and national domestic affairs. Germany attracts one’s attention first, being at the heart of Europe and as its “strongest economy” for over a decade now, the articulate and strong-willed Angela Merkel, present German Chancellor, is to seek a fourth term in office in 2017, leading her Christian Democratic Union. It seems quite possible she returns to power, despite very challenging times amid frequent terror attacks and she being soft on immigrants.

What seems in Angela Merkel’s favour is the triumph of ultra-right conservatism in the U.S. with the election of Donald Trump as its new President. Angela Merkel’s return could hopefully be a balancing factor from Europe. The Presidential elections in France, to begin from April 2017, will also be crucial for what is termed Euro-zone’s economic stability. While President Francois Hollande of the ‘Socialist Party’ is not seeking a second term, a victory for Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front party, projected as a significant frontrunner in the Presidential race, could spell a phase of market chaos in the Euro-zone, according to experts.

While the IS brand of ‘Islamic extremism’ continues to pose a challenge to a sane world order, the human tragedy unfolding in brutal fights in Syrian global heritage city of Aleppo, where rebels are fighting government forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, the latter backed by Russia, will call for greater sensitivity from civil society worldwide in the new year as Donald Trump seems to look at the U.N.’s role differently.

And as far as the future political leadership in Tamil Nadu is concerned, Ms V K Sasikala’s elevation as Chief Minister of the state, after her recent taking charge as general secretary-in-charge of the AIADMK following Ms Jayalalitaha’s demise, is expected to be neither smooth nor automatic.

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