Make rose water at home using these steps
Read on to know how to make rose water at home and how to use it.

A magical potion in the beauty arena, rose water has been used for getting dewy, supple skin for centuries now. Not just that, it also acts a great element for food enhancing. It can help in detoxification, in addition to being anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. You can make your own rose water at home using these easy steps:
Step 1: Picking roses
You can go for red ones that give a strong fragrance, or yellows and whites which have a subtle fragrance. Just make sure they’re free from pesticides and chemicals. English roses are commonly available with local florists.
Step 2: Pluck out the petals
Separate the petals from the stem, till you have ½ to 1 cup filled with them. If you have dried petals already, ¼ cup will do. One cup of petals takes about 2-3 full roses. Now, clean these petals with normal water to get rid of dirt.
Step 3: Simmer them on pot
Take a pot or any deep vessel and add the petals to it. Pour just enough water for the petals to get submerged. Excessive water will dilute it all, so be careful. You can use distilled or filtered water for this.
On a medium flame, let the solution simmer. Once that happens, cover it with a lid and turn the flame to low. Let this happen for about 15-30 minutes, or till the colour of the roses starts to fade. Put the flame off, take the lid off, and let the solution cool.
Step 4: Strain the solution
Take a sieve or muslin cloth to get the water. The petals are no longer needed. Make sure the solution has cooled down properly.
Step 5: Store
Take a tight-sealed container (or spray bottle for easier dispensing), and pour all the solution into it. Since it’s all natural, it can last for a week at room temperature and a month in refrigerator.
How to make a toner with rose water:
Just add half a spoon of lemon juice to about 300 ml of rose water. You can also add some glycerine for a better effect. Apply a dab of this on your face and let it stay for 20 minutes. Rinse with normal water.
Not just beauty, but rose water also lends a distinct, fresh taste to a lot of dishes, especially desserts. You can add a hint of this in cupcakes, falooda (Persian dessert), or any fruit-based desserts.