Chinese man who found pig's gallstone discovers it's worth millions
The mass of hair and indigestible material known as bezoar is called pig treasure in traditional Chinese medicine.

People across the world dream about unearthing a treasure which could make them billionaires, some just run into it in the most unexpected ways. Gallstones may not sound like a big deal, but it turns out that their value may depend on where they come from.
A villager in China didn’t know his life was about to change when he slaughtered an eight-year-old sow at his farm. The 51-year-old found a pig’s gallstone which has actually made him a millionaire.
The 4-inch-long and 2.5-inch-wide mass of hair and indigestible materials also known as a bezoar is extremely rare and is valued at close to Rs 8.7 crore by experts. The substance is called ‘pig treasure’ in traditional Chinese medicine as it is believed to remove toxins from the body.
While the market price for bezoars can go up to four million pounds, experts say that only bezoars found in the gall bladder have value while those from the stomach are worth nothing.