Shattering the glass ceiling
Preeti Malhotra believes a winning attitude and courage can help one achieve lofty goals.

Today, in the corporate world, women are proving their might equal to their male counterparts. However, the numbers are still skewed in favour of men but a few resilient Indian women have risen through the ranks of the corporate world. One among them is Preeti Malhotra, President, GMHRC and Partner, Healthcare, Smart Group.
“At the end of the day both men and women are equal when it comes to their intellect. Now, more people have come to acknowledge that,” feels Preeti. The high-flying executive, who occupies a formidable position, credits her parents and her employer for having empowered her to reach such heights. “My parents gave me a good education and empowered me to stand on my own feet. Also Smart Group, where I have worked for over two decades now, never discriminated against my gender. I was always encouraged to take up positions of responsibility,” she says adding, “Ultimately it is your attitude, passion and commitment that determine your outlook. Personally, I have always maintained a positive mindset, being extremely focused on the way I wanted my career to turn out. Looking back, I feel happy.”
A company secretary by education and a lawyer, Preeti also had the honour of becoming the first woman president of the Institute of Company Secretaries in 2007. Her journey to the top rung of the corporate ladder has certainly not been a bed of roses but the initial challenges have left her unfazed. “When I started working, gender was a handicap because there were so few women working. But my employers looked beyond gender and it was up to me to make the best of the opportunities that came my way — no matter how big or small. After all, a challenge is just another chance to prove yourself,” she says with conviction in her voice.
Preeti is also involved in the Smart Metabolic Anti-Aging concept, a proactive and preventive healthcare model, which she claims can revolutionise and redefine healthcare. She explains the concept. “Ageing and diseases start from your gut. The human gut is much more abused than any other body part because of the kind of food we eat, when we eat, etc. This reaction causes accelerated ageing and various lifestyle disorders like diabetes, thyroid, etc. The Smart Metabolic Anti-Aging Centre can help you identify these subtle reactions and changes in your body and prevent them before they become chronic,” she adds.
Preeti’s motto can be perfectly summed up by a quote by Anais Nin ‘Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s courage’. She explains, “There is no possible handicap — whether it’s gender, age, disability or any other thing that can stop one from achieving what one has set out to do if you are courageous and have a winning attitude.” Ever ready to step out of her comfort zone, she adds, “For me, taking responsibility is commitment. Personally, I stop at nothing till a job gets done — even if it means pulling all-nighters or pushing the boundaries.”
In her free time, Preeti loves reading, listening to music and hanging out with friends. Her way of unwinding after a long, hard day is by playing a game of badminton. Travelling is one of her passions. She says, “I love travelling. Fortunately, I get to travel a lot for work and for pleasure also. My most favourite destinations are Cape Town, Mombasa, Bali, Cancun and San Diego.”
Recalling a trip that remains vivid in her memory, she recounts, “My first trip to Paris in 1994 was when I went as part of an ‘honours club’ programme — this was an incentive accorded to high achievers in the company. That 10-day-trip with colleagues and peers was a lot of fun.”