An exhibition to empower local 'khadi' entrepreneurs
Khadi exhibition organised to provide exposure to local entrepreneurs in Nagaland.

Dimapur: There is no dearth of natural resources in Nagaland. Blessed with a rich bio-diversity, flora, and fauna, the region has a huge potential for business. Moreover, many local entrepreneurs are vying to explore the unexplored potentialities through innovative business ideas.
To provide an exposure to entrepreneurs engaged in micro-small and medium enterprises and to make them self-reliant, a 10-day-long zonal-level khadi exhibition was organised at the supermarket complex, Dimapur.
“We are fortunate that many participants have exhibited their products. We expect that our local products and whatever we are manufacturing finished under the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), will be implemented thoroughly,” said P Tokhuka Achumi, General Manager, Director Industry Centre, Dimapur.
NKVIB is a non- profit making organisation and it implements programmes and scheme of KVIC by providing aid in the form of a marginal grant to the beneficiaries, financed by the banking agencies under the PMEGP scheme to promote khadi and village industry activities in the state.
It may also be noted that PMEGP is implemented by the KVIC and functions as the nodal agency at the national level.
According to the organiser, the exhibition was organised with a view to providing exposure to entrepreneurs engaged in rural industries and wider objectives is to encourage the local prospective entrepreneurs for self-employment, economic self-reliance and to build up a strong rural community spirit.
“We have to focus on the design of our products and we have to modify them as per the customer’s demands so that we can compete in the international market,” said, Taliwati Longchar, Deputy Director In-charge, Imphal and Dimapur.
Around 50 entrepreneurs participated in the exhibition, including few from the Khadi and Village Industries Institutions, from across the northeast region. Indigenous Naga weapons, bamboo and wood products, shoes, clothes, handmade paper products, and other items were put on display.
The Nagaland Khadi and Village Industries Board is a statutory body constituted by the Government of Nagaland under the Act (No. 5 of 1978) of Nagaland Legislative Assembly. It is working since January 1979.
“We have come from Phek district to participate in the PMGVY. We brought wooden spoons, plates, etc. But there’s not much sale since it started on March 26 as there are very few people visiting the stalls. But anyways we are grateful to the organisers for giving us the opportunity to exhibit our products,” said, Zacito, one of the Exhibitors.
At the state level, the scheme is implemented through State KVIC Directorates, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs), District Industries Centers (DICs) and banks. In such cases, KVIC routes government subsidy through designated banks for eventual disbursal into the bank account of entrepreneurs.
Utilisation of the available resources not only creates job opportunities but makes the entrepreneurs of the region self-sufficient and independent.