
Saviours of the stray

Not anymore though, Plant and Animals Welfare Society PAWS recently rescued five kites and two parrots.

The dangers that the onset of summers presents, especially in a city like Mumbai, are all but evident. For humans it may be a quick dip in the pool, or a delicious ice-popsicle that gives them respite from the harsh heat. But the anxious barks, chirps and hisses of our lesser fortunate co-inhabitants entreating for help are often lost in the mad rush of the city. Not anymore though, Plant and Animals Welfare Society — PAWS recently rescued five kites and two parrots.

The organisation received calls from the local residents in the suburbs and their student volunteers attended the birds shares Nisha Kunju, the animal welfare officer. “The birds were in dehydrated condition and were attacked by crows as they had fallen on the ground. After the rescue they were given multi vitamin drops and were kept under observation. We have informed forest department about the wildlife rescue, as it is protected species under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972,” she shares.

Your little help can make a big difference urges Nisha. “Due to scarcity of clean sources of water, summer season is a very difficult time for animals, birds and reptiles. This year has been extremely hot. Help in saving animals and birds by providing them with water bowls in your balconies, windows, gardens, outside your office and shops,” she says.

Reach out to PAWS — Mumbai on 09833480388 /02225968314

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