
Power of mind

Be sure to use the language of the brain if you are looking to achieve, attract or manifest something in life.

Rumi says, “What you seek is seeking you.” This mirrors the law of attraction. It also correlates to a statement from Yajurveda — “Aham Brahmasmi” (Aham — I, Brahma — the Supreme Being, the creater, Asmi — am). Every person is the creator of each and everything that is happening in his/her life. It’s a myth that God controls the life of an individual, and one goes through life like a puppet. On the contrary, God has given the most amazing gift of “free will” to humans.

Soul is the guide, and brain/mind has a great role to play to manifest your actions. Whatever it is you’re looking to achieve, attract or manifest, be sure to use the language of the brain.

To “affirm” is to state that something is true. It is a statement of truth which one aspires to absorb in life. Affirmations are dynamic and practical, not wishful thinking. One reason they work is because they are based on higher truths, that one has to realise on a conscious level.

One can control the functioning of the mind through affirmations.

The literal brain:
When you think about something, your brain processes the information literally, and prepares you for the action that should immediately follow the thought. Make sure your affirmation only contains positive words. Brain can not relate to negation. If your affirmation contains “don’t”, “can’t” or “won’t”, reframe the affirmation to affirm what you’re trying to achieve. Example: “I dont want to eat”. Neurotransmitters in the brain will carry the message to the neurons emphasising on the word ‘eat’. You will end up overeating. Instead, use affirmation: “I am eating what makes me healthy, happy and beautiful.”

The present-continuous tense brain:
Make sure your affirmation is in the present tense, even if it is untrue. The discomfort you feel will motivate you to change. Ignore statements in past tense or future tense (was/will). Example: “I will not overspend on buying clothes.” Neurotransmitters in the brain will send the message to the neurons emphasising on “overspend, buying clothes”. You will end up buying clothes you don’t really need. Instead, affirm: “I am wearing what I love to wear.”

The focused brain:
Brain has an autopilot function that filters information and guides your actions. So, it takes a decision whenever required. You have control on this, when you take decisions at the right time, whenever you need to. For procastinators and indecisive people, your brain will take a decision instead based on current availability of information, and something will manifest whether you want it that way or not. Example: “I want to buy a house.” If you are unable to take a decision and are confused, you will buy a house which you may not like in future. Your brain has processed “buy a house”, and other relevant information was not provided. Affirm: “I own a house of my choice”.

Brain is a creature of habit:
If you want something in life, think how frequently you would want it, and make that act a habit. If you say: “I want to meditate”, your brain would want to meditate at a time when you are thinking about it. If at that time, you are not in a position to meditate, you will not. Your brain will give you reminders which may be at wrong timings. Instead, affirm: “I am meditating for 15 minutes every day, before going to sleep (or any other time of your preference)”. Initially, whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable, make it a point to do it. After a certain time, you will start liking it, and then enjoying it.

Brain dislikes stress/tension:
Anything that you want in life, if it is related to stress, neurotransmitters in the brain will carry this message to the neurons to discard it, put it in trash. Example: You feel stressed while working. Your brain will create neurons to make you feel sick so you don’t feel like going to work, and make you unproductive. Instead, affirm: “I am passionate about my work. I am efficient and productive. I am learning and growth-oriented.” If you have made a career choice in something you dislike, your brain will send you signals to find a job you enjoy doing.

Repetition of affirmations:
There’s no formula for how often or how many times you should repeat a positive affirmation. As long as you are focused when you repeat it, and you repeat it frequently, it will be successful. The best times to repeat an affirmation is when the subconscious mind is most receptive, that is after waking, immediately before going to sleep, and at the beginning and end of meditation. Memories in the brain at these times get into your deep consciousness and into your subconscious mind. Another good time to repeat affirmations is in the face of a difficulty.

The writer is a Tarot expert

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