Strengthen your aura
Our aura can protect us from negative energies which harm us. learn to repair and strengthen this energy shield.

Aura can be defined as the energy shield around us which protect us from all the negativity including illnesses. Often our vibrant aura gets weak and we become susceptible to negative energies which harm us in all ways — mentally, emotionally, physically, professionally and personally. There is an urge to keep it intact in order to progress in life and stay in harmony. Here are a few ways to strengthen your aura:
1. Breathe deeply and do pranayam, this will energise your mind, body, and soul. It will also repair and strengthen your aura. Meditate every morning, it will help you get out of the hectic daily schedule and keep distracting thoughts away. It will also promote a state of relaxed awareness. To focus during meditation, you can also choose a picture of a person who gives you lots of strength, positivity and happiness. Gaze intensely into their eyes. Atune yourself to the magnetism you feel there. After sometime, close your eyes in meditation and try to feel a response in your heart. Feel yourself bathed and uplifted by that person’s superconsciousness.
2. Spend time in nature, go to parks for walks. This is good for your physical health along with your aura and energy field. Nature has strong positive energy which reflects positivity in the environment. Imagine yourself in a place where everything is bound with trees — chirping birds and sound of water flowing. A place with greenery in abundance where you can relax and keep your aura strengthened. Walk barefoot in such places because the root chakra, which is located at the end of your spine and which connects you to the earth, gives you a feeling of safety and protection when it is energetically strong. This is the simple and easiest way to strengthen your aura.
3. Use sea salts for bathing and dipping your feet in water every day. This will help you wash away negativity from your aura and cleanse your energy fields by grounding all excess energy which is not useful for you. Swimming in the sea or ocean or soaking yourself in a salt water bath helps cleanse aura and draw out stress from the body.
4. Stay away from electromagnetic fields. Switch off your TV and keep your mobile phones away from your aura. In the 21st century, everyone is so attached to their devices — like laptop, cell phone, television etc. It is a kind of addiction that controls your life and interferes with your daily acivities, work and relationships. Disable your mobile phone notifications or switch off the devices and indulge in talking with your family and friends. It will make your aura stronger.
5. Try not to crib a lot or curse anybody. This weakens your aura as you are creating negative energy within yourself and then extending it. This energy will certainly harm you before it affects anybody else.
6. Try to see the positive side of situations. Change your attitude towards life. Your attitude can even make difficult situations easy. This will also improve your aura.
7. Find things that makes you happy. Happiness is the key to good aura and good health. Follow your passions — like painting, sketching, dancing, photography etc. It will help you stay away from negativity and make you feel joyful from deep within your heart. You will feel energetic. This is a very popular and powerful technique to strengthen your aura.
8. Spend some alone time. This will make your energy fields strong. Avoid shouting and getting angry, as this makes your aura weak. Learn to let go. Understand whatever is not coming to you is not meant for you, so let it go and vacate the place for the right things to come in.
The writer is a tarot reader and spiritual mentor