Donald Trump's election has more people looking for love online

The election of Donald Trump as the US President has had a negative effect on many people and there is nothing but anger. Interestingly, there are more people who are looking for love since then and it is surprising. Recently, an online dating site revealed that the number of single users had peaked more than ever before after the President was elected.
According to a report in the Independent, eHarmony, an online dating site has revealed that the number of people coming to their site has peaked and become really high since his election in December. Surprisingly, it is because people want to feel safer with a partner around them. The last time it peaked was after the 9/11 terrorist attack when people felt unsafe due to terrorism. The site had seen a massive 35 percent hike after November 8, his election date.
Chief Executive Grant Langston in an interview with BBC, said, “If they are in a bad relationship they don't want to leave, and if they're not in one, they want to get into one.” He added that when the times get unpredictable people long for love and look for somebody around them at all times and the President’s win has done just that.