
Girl's head stuck in gap between walls after prank goes horribly wrong

School authorities had to call fire fighters when they realised that the girl's head was jammed and any movement caused excruciating pain.

Children are known to play pranks on each other but sometimes things can go terribly wrong and land them in trouble. Cases of children ending up in painful situations after freak accidents are often reported.

Authorities at a school in China had to call emergency services after a six-year-old got her head stuck in a narrow gap between two walls after a prank went wrong. The girl’s head was jammed tightly in the space and even the slightest movement caused her to cry in pain.

Fire-fighters first tried to break down one wall but it was a supporting wall and the move could’ve put the girl in further danger. Eventually they used abrasive paper to sand down the wall and put lubricant around the girl’s head causing it to slide out.

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