
Happy hairs

Winter is here and so are the hair problems.

“Good hair day ensures a good mood”, we all resonate with this statement. Your hair is an important part of you. While some of us are blessed with hair that requires the least maintenance, most of us have to work towards attaining and maintaining them. One can easily do family mask and hair oil treatment, but if your shampoo isn't right for your hair especially in winters things will go invariably down south.

Scalp situation

Instead of looking state of your strands, it is essential to consider the health of your scalp while picking shampoo. “One should look for Sodium-free and sulphate-free shampoos; these two are basic things one should always look before buying a shampoo. These chemicals actually remove the chemical and moisture from your hair,” shares Praver Kachroo, Founder of Evolvere Salon Solutions.

According to Praver, if one has a dry scalp than it is always recommended to go for a moisturising and hydrating shampoo to avoid extra dryness and flakiness. And for oily scalp, one should always go for strengthening and fortifying formulas. Important tip; to avoid greasiness leave the shampoo on for an extra minute before rinsing it off.

Strands behave differently every season

It is important to understand this that it is a good idea to change shampoo seasonally, this is especially true for girls with the normal scalp. If one notices change according to the weather then it is wise to change your shampoo seasonally to address the current concerns, instead of using the same one all around the year.

Tips and tricks

Scalp tends to become dry in winters so according to Praver it is important to have a spa at least once in a week. “One must also apply serums, as it moisturizes the hair well,” Praver advises.

Mainly people deal with breakage, and to avoid that one must keep the hair hydrated, the more they are hydrated, the less they will be frizzy. Also, it is important to apply protecting sprays before blow-drying and

— With inputs from KeraStaight and INNoluxe

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