Neglected by mother, 13-year-old rapes 2 younger brothers and a sister
The children lived in deprivation, were often left hungry and there was little or no supervision by the mother.

Rape and child abuse are heinous crimes which are a cause for concern in many parts of the world despite several attempts to curb the menace. But some bizarre cases involving family members make us question where humanity stands today.
In an appalling case that has surfaced in Gloucester in UK, a 13–year-old subjected his two younger brothers and a sister to rape and sexual abuse. The siblings lived in utter deprivation as they were left by their mother to fend for themselves in the house.
The boy now 14-year-old admitted to sexually assaulting his brothers aged six and seven and a sister who is now 10, between December 2012 and May 2016. The children lived without boundaries and were not aware of what’s right or wrong, according to a prosecutor.
The children were completely ignored by the mother who failed to provide the most basic things and recently pleaded guilty to negligence. The house was dirty, the children were often left hungry and there was little or no supervision by the mother.
The boy has been placed under supervision for 18 months and has also been put on the sex offender register for two and a half years. The judge also made a restraining order preventing the child from meeting his siblings except under supervision.