Men who watch too much porn prefer to have sex with robots rather than real women
The boss of a firm manufacturing sex dolls admits that a major reason for the success of their product is people watching too much porn.

The effect of technology on almost everything people do can’t be underestimated and this also holds true when it comes to intimacy and relationships. While increasing access to porn has been found to affect how people have sex, the rising popularity of sex robots has also raised eyebrows.
Fantasies and unrealistic body image promoted in porn seems to have an adverse effect on people’s sex lives since it raises the bar a bit too much. This is also a factor causing men to lose interest in romping with real women and go for sex dolls instead.
The boss of a firm manufacturing sex dolls admits that a major reason for the success of their product is people watching too much porn. Research has also suggested that men face sexual dysfunction when they consume excessive porn.
If men find women fatter than they would like or not as cute as their preference, they simply turn to sex dolls which cater to expectations they get from adult films. Studies have found that spending more time watching porn limits ability of men to connect with a partner in bed.