New breed of telepathic superhumans can soon be reality, claims neurosurgeon
These telepathic superhumans will transfer information to other people and machines using brain implants.

Eric Leuthardt, from Washington University says very soon a new breed of telepathic superhumans will be able to communicate their thoughts using brain implants.
The brain surgeon predicted that the new breed of superhumans could be a reality within decades.
These telepathic superhumans will transfer information to other people and machines using brain implants, according to Dr Eric Leuthardt.
The Washington University brain surgeon believes getting a brain implant will be as common as getting plastic surgery or a tattoo.
Speaking to MIT Technology Review, Dr Leuthardt said, “A true fluid neural integration is going to happen.”
He further added, “It's just a matter of when. If it's 10 or 100 years in the grand scheme of things, it's a material development in the course of human history.”
As well as his duties as a neurosurgeon, Dr Leuthardt has also published two novels and written a play aimed at 'preparing society for the changes ahead'.
In his first novel - a techno-thriller called RedDevil 4 - 90 per cent of humans have computer hardware in their brains.
With his work he has an understanding of the inherent limitations of the brain and also how technology could overcome these limitations.
Dr Leuthardt believes at the pace technology is changing 'it's not inconceivable to think that in a 20-year time frame everything in a cell phone could be put into a grain of rice'.
Elon Musk is also developing high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers.
It will work on what Musk calls the 'neural lace' technology, implanting tiny brain electrodes that may one day upload and download thoughts.