
40 percent British people say sex with robot behind partner's back isn't cheating

An overwhelming majority of people stated that it would be ethically wrong to harm a robot.

Sex robots are making waves across the globe with people in some places even preferring sex with dolls at brothels over sex with real women and men in Japan finding love with sex robots. There’s a firm which may even go to the extent of modelling robots after deceased spouses of men upon receiving several requests for the customisation.

But while experts warn that sex robots may replace real people as partners in bed, a large percentage of people in the United Kingdom don’t feel it’s the same thing when it comes to infidelity. While sex with another person with one’s partner in the dark is clearly being unfaithful, 40 percent Brits say it isn’t cheating when robots are involved.

At the same time one in three people said that they would be concerned if their friend starts a relationship with a robot, and a considerable number of people said they would try to convince them to end it. The survey also found that 39 percent people feel people will have relationships with robots instead of human beings in 34 years.

Meanwhile an overwhelming majority of people surveyed stated that it would be ethically wrong to harm a sex robot.

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