A spark in the right direction
Cliched concepts of candle-lit dinners are not exciting as youth opt for innovative ways to go out on first dates.

Gone are the good old days when just the words First Date, got us jittery and sweaty. From choosing a fancy restaurant, to borrowing your friend’s drive and cologne depending on your friendship, a lot went into the preparation for a first date. But millennial individuals today are letting things off the hook and are choosing quirky and yet romantic ways of having first dates. We spoke to a few, and here’s what they shared.
A recent post by a young girl, who goes by the Twitter id Subtlesoui went viral. The post read that a youngster was invited to join her tinder match at the protests on their first date and she said it happened to be one of the best dates she’s ever been on.
Speaking about one of the quirk first dates she’s ever been on Priya Jain an entrepreneur from the city says, “I was planning to meet this person on a certain day and after making plans I realised that I had a marriage to attend on the same day. So we decided that I’d meet him for coffee after I finish the wedding.
I stopped to meet him on the way back, and we took a long walk. It was also the last day for my MBA papers, so we ended up answering a paper together on our first date. It was an online exam.”
Sometimes how you plan your first date might be the reason your better half ended up marrying you. Ashwin Kumar a supply chain manager at a famous multinational firm shares his experience. He says, “My wife who was my then friend invited me to a friend’s wedding to meet her for the first time. It seemed different and she felt that this way we could talk and not get noticed. So there I was at a wedding of some stranger who I’d never met before only to meet her on our first date.”
If you are quite the romantic but don’t like going to a fancy restaurant and restricting yourself to the four walls of a place where everyone is judging your every move then here’s a suggestion and an experience. Brijmohan Singh the owner of a famous food chain in the city says, “My date and I weren’t in the mood to go through the same old first date ritual! So we just decided to head out for a drive. We picked up some food and a bottle of wine and trekked up the hill at a place which is 11km before Nandi Hills called Kodiguruku. This was an ideal first date for me. It has it all, a long drive, peaceful music, the nature, star gazing, food and wine, and of course beautiful conversations.”
The pressure of having the perfect first date can lead to some disastrous moments as well, here’s how Vinay Raj an associate with a travel firm believes to have dealt with his cold feet. He says, “The pressure of taking your special lady out on a first date is just too much to handle. Trying something totally offbeat my ex-girlfriend and I both loved video games so we went to the best place in the city and played games all evening until the place shut down.”