
Man requires firefighters to remove rings from penis

In a sexual experiment gone horribly wrong Thai man ends up in hospital after rings he put on penis get stuck

In what can be called another experiment gone horribly wrong, a Thai man who decided to ‘experiment’ with some metal rings on his manhood ended up at the hospital with doctors, the fire brigade and a journalist looking on

The man had to have the metal rings removed from his penis by the firebrigade when a sexual experiment went horribly wrong.

33-year-old ‘Wirat’, who only gave his first name had been pleasuring himself at home when he slipped two small metal rings on his penis.

However, instead of gaining any ‘pleasure’ from it, the rings got stuck as they got stuck and his penis began to swell as circulation was cut off to parts of his organ.

Wirat went to Pattaya City Hospital in Thailand and pleaded with medics to remove the make-shift sex toy which he had been experimenting with.

While he initially feigned implausible innocence, saying that he did not know what the rings were or how they had miraculously appeared there, he admitted later on that he was pleasuring himself with those.

Doctors tried to remove the device but had to call the local fire brigade for backup who arrived with a selection of plier and cutting tools along with the reporter who had picked up on the distress call.

As the man wailed in pain, the doctors used a metal sheet to protect his penis and the rings were eventually removed at around 1.30pm.

Luang Watcharapong from the Sawang Boribun Fire Rescue Center who attended the incident at the hospital said the man was in 'less pain' after the rings were removed.

Luang, 40, said: 'We had to be careful not to hurt his penis because the rings were stuck very tightly.

'We don't know how long he had the ring on his penis before he went to hospital.

'The doctors tried first then we arrived at 1pm and it took us around 30 minutes to remove it. We used small cutters.'

'The man said thank you and he left. He felt much better. He would not give details of exactly what happened.

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