
Communicate with the universe

If you are unhappy, it's a sign that you aren't on the right path and need to make changes.

Listen to what the universe has to say to you, it can reveal a lot about where you need to be and what steps to take towards reaching your goals and happiness.

How many of you feel lost, unhappy and dissatisfied with what you are doing and where you are in the present? How many of you feel — ‘This is not what I am meant to do in life’ or ‘my marriage has no spark’ or ‘my health is suffering’? And are waiting for a miracle to happen.

The truth is whatever is happening in your life is for a reason and there are no coincidences. You might have to endure hardships in life before you find the job you desire, or face financial crisis before you learn how to respect money, or be in an abusive relationship before you realise self-worth, or go through a painful heartbreak before you find your better half and so on. The universe is constantly sending you messages but are you really paying attention or are you just caught up in a rat race?

If you are unhappy, it’s a sign that you aren’t on the right path and need to make changes. You have a choice — the change can either be internal or external. For example, if you are unhappy, you can either make an external change by quitting or internally by changing your perception and how you react to it.

Déja vu/Messages — Out of nowhere, people tell you exactly what you needed to hear. You hear strangers discussing an issue or hear a song that reflects your current state or you come across a product through an advertisement or store which is exactly what you needed even if you weren’t looking for it.

Dreams — The universe communicates to us through dreams and our dreams are a mirror to the life we are living. For instance, if you dream of winning a jackpot that means either you are obsessed with money or are going through a difficult financial phase. If you have a nightmare then the universe is trying to tell you to stop living in a low vibrational frequency where the mind is mostly engrossed with negative thoughts.

Emotional uplift — The universe sends us love when we need it like a message pops up from a loved one or your child suddenly tells you that he/she loves you.

Unexpected delays — You are heading for a meeting and you get stuck in a traffic jam or miss your flight. The universe is telling you to be patient. Maybe you need to appreciate what you have and need to be grateful.

Emotional ride — The universe always works through people. Other people’s opinions and comments can drive you up and down. If someone says something unpleasant, pause, take a deep breath and look within. Maybe you need to work on yourself.

Move on — If you hear your friends back-biting, then you should celebrate as the universe helped you see their true colours. It’s time to move on and allow the universe to send the right people in your life. Are you listening?

Injuries and health issues — Most of us are multitasking in life, like walking down the staircase while talking on the phone. If you suddenly take a tumble or accidently hit your head, such injuries are a sign that you are not paying attention. Health issues or ill health is mainly due to stress, anxiety, over-thinking, suppressed emotions, anger, fears, or addiction. Every cell in your body is telling you to change your way of life by eating healthy and developing a positive attitude.

The writer is an aura reader and counsellor. You can contact her at

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