
Bae-cation goals ahead!

Millennials have redefined the concept of a holiday, where they are more open to taking mid-week breaks with a significant other.

When was the last time you took time off for a bae-cation? If you are thinking too hard, now is the time! As per Urban Dictionary, Bae-cation refers to ‘basically a grown up version of a sleepover.’ But, from a more realistic perspective, Bae-cation refers to a mid week pit-stop that you take with a significant other – a dear friend, your better half or even that special someone without a goal or an agenda. Currently pegged as a #lifegoal by millenials, the concept is seeing takers by the hordes. We ask bae-cationers in the city for their inputs...

“We went on work to Kuala Lumpur, but then Pramod and I took off to Langkawi for the weekend. It was absolutely fantastic. We hired a private speed boat and did a little tour around the mangrove forests around the islands that open up to the Andaman sea. The beauty of a bae-cation is that, just like the title suggests, is about the person you are with and not the place or time. Ideally, a bae-cation should be on your bucket-list and you don’t need to select a picturesque place as the focus is on experience and privacy of course,” begins entrepreneur Sneha Chandrashekar, who elucidates, “We did the cable car. And, of course, a lot of wine by the beach and pool. Bae-cation or rather vacationing without a purpose is the way forward. Talking about relationships in this age, I think we all have to invest rightly in the right people. Fortunately, a lot of us are paying heed to this and taking time off to rejuvenate and bae-cate!”

Pramod and Sneha Chandrashekar recently went to LangkawiPramod and Sneha Chandrashekar recently went to Langkawi

For entrepreneurial sisters Aditi and Shruti, the idea of bae-cationing helps switch off digitally and socially – a prerequisite for creative professionals. “So, Shruti and I have this tradition that we’ve been following since a couple of years now, which is to do one trip out of India (with only the two of us). This time around, we did an adventure trip with KoKat to Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Bali, where we drove through rice paddy, villages, plantations, jungle, river and a bamboo forest. A trip as such just helps us get away from our daily lives and gives us enough time to leave off the exhaustion and come back with a fresh mindset... Even while travelling, we sometimes tend to spot things that we gather inspiration from (be it a place or fashion of any sort or people for that mater) and we come back and try and implement the same at our workplace.. Getting away from people also gives us the time to just focus on ourselves and also give each other enough time with each other. Knowing our schedules, we barely get to talk about things other than work, so its almost like a perfect getaway from everything and everyone.” Quashing myths that girl gangs are known to often emanate unnecessary drama; filmmaker Sharmila Aravind adds, “Going on an unplanned trip with an all girl gang offers many different perspectives to a holiday! A lovely day and a half spent in BR Hills, our girl gang, in all its vigour had expectations of great sighting of wildlife. All hopes were dashed with unexpected rains pouring during safari in the forest! Amidst the verdant treasure, two playful adults in yellow and white stripes appeared from nowhere, enjoying the cool water in the little pond....TIGERS!! two of them! We girls were ecstatic! Nights in tents, unlimited tea and coffee, wild wild ambiance, uncensored conversations, the sounds of heavy winds threatening to blow our tents...all amidst giggles and great times. There is a connect which happens instantly, takes us back to childhood and giggly teenage years. Women, should bae-cate to care for themselves!”

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