
Woman loses her virginity at 32 after being unable to have sex due to rare condition

After failing to have sex most of her life, Karen was diagnosed with the condition as a specialist cured it in just four months of therapy.

In a time of online dating and rising awareness about sexuality, a large number of young people are giving importance to a healthy sex life. But for some things aren’t that simple as they are left unable to have sex due to rare conditions.

Karen Buono lost her virginity at the age of 32 because she spent years suffering from a disorder called vaginismus. The condition causes muscles of the vaginal wall to constrict involuntarily and having sex feels like hitting a brick wall.

After failing to have sex most of her life, Karen was diagnosed with the condition as a specialist cured it in just four months of physical therapy. After this she was able to have sex for the first time with her 38-year-old husband Joe who had been patiently by her side.

She realised she had a problem while trying to have sex for the first time as a teenager. Doctors failed to help her in her 20s until she was finally diagnosed at the age of 31.

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