Waking up to morning sex
Sunrise sex acts as a natural mood elevator and an anti-depressant.

Mumbai: While most people prefer to start the day with a cup of freshly brewed hot coffee, there are some who love to kick start with – Morning Sex or as we would call, AM Sex.
A wild and fiery love making session early morning can not only get your ambrosial juices flowing, but can set your mood right for the entire day. It is no where mentioned that sex should be performed only after sun down. Sun rise sex can be equally gratifying and has numerous other health benefits associated with it.
Psychotherapist Dr. Vihan Sanyal avers that medically morning sex is a ‘plus plus situation’ as it is the time when hormones are at its peak and you can have a soul satiating session with your partner. He further elaborated that the chemicals that kick off in the morning can help in stabilising mood by keeping anxiety and depression at bay.
Neuro-chemicals that are released during the activity can help in curing border line depression, thereby helping to bounce back to normal. This however, is not applicable for people diagnosed with chronic depression. Morning is the time when doctors prescribe the intake of anti-depressants, so why not replace it with sex?
Relationship counsellor Sumit Mehta shares, “Having sex early morning with your partner can help change the dynamics of the relationship.” Studies reveal that it can help in developing a bond with your partner at a deeper emotional level. What really facilitates this is that you are rested, fresh and in a relaxed state of mind before you start chasing your business targets.
Other perks of morning sex would be to consider it as a workout. Who doesn’t know that sex helps in burning those extra calories? According to a research from the Harvard Medical School, sex can burn about five calories per minute. We feel it is equally good as jogging and can help keep your abs and thigh muscles in shape.
Why do you want to step out of your bed grumpy when sex can naturally elevate your mood for the rest of the day? Not only AM sex helps in boosting your brain power, but brings in a feel good factor that is associated with it, thereby increasing self-confidence.
Morning sex doesn’t have to be boring! Add some fun and trigger your libido by trying out some sex positions that will help you experience bliss early morning.