
Research shows a lot of men feel sad and tearful after sex

Men who felt sad after sex described their feelings as wanting to be left alone or feeling fidgety and unsatisfied.

Sex is mostly seen as a rewarding activity and people are generally thought to be in a good mood after it. But while some action between the sheets may seem gratifying, the experience isn’t the same for everyone.

Although postcoital dysphoria has been identified as an issue in women, a new study suggests that men also feel sad, tearful and irritable after having sex. Around 41 percent have been found to report the symptoms at some point in their life.

Men who felt sad after sex described their feelings as wanting to be left alone or feeling fidgety and unsatisfied. While those who felt positively reported satisfaction and contentment, others reported feeling emotionless and empty.

The findings indicate that experience of sex among men may be much more varied and complex than previous estimates.

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