
Porn stars share why people shouldn't imitate what they do on screen

Lucie Bee said that real sex isn't perfect because it isn't meant to be and that porn can never capture the same intensity and passion.

Millions watch porn across the world due to easy access provided by the internet and while it isn’t the same as sex, it does leave an impact on how people get intimate. A variety of porn content available online naturally triggers a desire to imitate unreal acts in real life, and this can ruin a person’s sex life.

It has been known that a certain body image portrayed in porn films alongside intercourse lasting for a long time gives people expectations that are often left unfulfilled in real relationships. Now pornstars themselves have come forward to tell people why exactly they shouldn’t try to have sex as shown in adult films.

Porn actor Luc Dean told a publication that he has people asking if they can do certain things from porn videos. While he does admit that they can be done in real life, but also mentions that it won’t be fun and only looks good on camera.

Lucie Bee says that real sex isn’t meant to be perfect and while porn may look great, it hasn’t been able to capture the intensity and passion coming with small funny moments when one is sitting on the chair and someone slips. Meanwhile she said her work has helped her with communication which is an essential trait for relationships.

Ryan James added that there is no need to try something just because it looks good on screen. What both partners want to do matters more and no one needs to explain if they are uncomfortable with certain actions.

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