
Delhi traders to protest high tax rates

Body meets Sisodia to discuss GST rollout; DCW voices concern.

New delhi: Delhi traders have opposed existing taxation structure under the new Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. Chamber of Trade and Industries (CTI) will organise a protest at Chandni Chowk on Thursday to oppose the high tax rates.

The Delhi government passed the GST Bill in the Assembly on Wednesday. CTI convenor Brijesh Goyal said the trader association supports the GST Bill, but it is against the high tax rates.

Earlier on Tuesday, the trader associations met deputy CM Manish Sisodia and given him a list of items that would be taxed higher after GST rollout. Mr Sisodia had promised their concerns at the GST Council meeting on June 3.

The DCW also expressed its reservations on the new tax regime. “As per the recently released GST schedule for goods, sanitary napkins have been taxed at 12 per cent. Understandably, taxation of sanitary napkins which is a basic necessity, denies its access to many,” DCW chief Swati Jaihind said in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“Sir, your call to the nation for ‘Swachchh Bharat’ has revitalised the cause of clean and hygienic India. However, due to unaffordable sanitary napkins, more than 80 per cent of Indian women and girls have been forced to let go personal hygiene and resort to unclean and unhygienic means during their menstrual cycle,” the letter said.

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