
Office-bearers to face music for misconduct

BJP to undergo major reshuffle 3 general secys to be replaced with new faces.

New Delhi: A number of Delhi BJP office-bearers are likely to face music for their suspicious conduct during the civic polls held last month. In a major reshuffle, around a dozens office-bearers, including the three general secretaries, may be replaced with new faces. While the general secretaries are facing charges of misconduct, other leaders will have to vacate the post after their appointment to key posts in the three municipal corporations.

While three vice-president of the Delhi BJP were elected to the civic bodies, Kamljeet Sehrawat has taken over as South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) mayor.

Two other vice-presidents — Sikha Rai (SDMC councillor) and Jai Prakash (elected in North Delhi Municipal Corporation) — were assured appointment as Leader of the House in both the corporation. But due to their presence at a felicitation function organised by Union minister Vijay Goel, the party has not given the letter confirming Ms Rai and Mr Jai Prakash’s appointment to the post.

Similarly, Preety Agarwal, party state unit secretary, has also been nominated as mayor of the North civic body.

Vipin Bihari, president of Poorvanchal cell, has been nominated as deputy mayor of East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC).

Poonam Parasar Jha, president women wing of party, has been also elected to the NDMC. All these leaders will be replaced from their respective position in state team.

A section in the party is also demanding that state office-bearers whose spouse have won the election to be shown the doors. “The office-bearers who were elected have been removed from the respective position. Similarly, leaders whose spouse were elected should also be removed from the post. State leadership should not discriminate between them,” said a senior leader.

Sources said that three general secretaries — Kuljeet Chahal, Ravinder Gupta and Rajesh Bhatia — may also be replaced by new faces.

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