
Gupta slams AAP govt over ration distribution scheme

'Govt didn't give names of card holders whose names were rejected'

New Delhi: Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly, Vijender Gupta on Monday attack-ed Arvind Kejriwal government in the matter of Public Distribution Syst-em in the city and said why the chief minister has ordered restoration of 2.53 lakh ration cards cancelled by the Food and Supplies Department cate-ring to seven lakh ration units.

Mr Gupta claimed that when the department ask-ed the government in writing to forward the names of ration card holders whose cards were rejected wrongly, the government including the chief minister, ministers and AAP legislators have not given even a single name on record. Mr Gupta said that Kejriwal government should tell if it was so sure even without an investigation that ration cards cancelled by the department were actually eligible for rati-on.

“Ration can be provided to 72 lakh 78 thousand persons, out of which seven lakh people were not eligible for ration and their ration cards were cancelled by the department. On cancellation of these cards, 1.74 lakh people have been added to the ration system during last one month who were earlier in que. Kejriwal government should tell what will be the fate of these poor on restoration rejected ration cards,” Mr Gupta added. Mr Gupta alleged that Kejriwal government is enemy of the poor, which has decided to give ration to seven lakh people who have not been found eligible for ration by the department, did not draw ration in last seven months and had been getting ration earlier at the cost of poor who were actually eligible for the same.

“Enemy of the poor, Kejriwal government has refused to implement Uni-on government’s Ayush-man Bharat scheme too in the national capital. Und-er this scheme, the poor of Delhi will get free health insurance of Rs 5 lakh per year,” Mr Gupta said.

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